I was nominated and awarded for the Blogger Recognition Award by Gorgeous George’s Mama. It’s always nice to get this kinda thing out of the blue. Makes the day a little brighter; which is needed when I’m working six days a week.
So here are the rules.
- Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
- Write a post to show your award.
- Give a brief story of how your blog started.
- Give two pieces of advice to new bloggers.
- Select 15 other bloggers you want to give this award to. (if 15 is pushing it a bit for you then do 10;)
- Comment on each blog and let them know you have nominated them and provide the link to the post you created.
The Beginning
I started this blog when Bethend was a few months pregnant. As I started to write blog posts to post later on after we’d announced the actual pregnancy to the wider world (i.e more than the immediate family) I realised how much was going to happen, how much was going to change. How much there was to say. I didn’t want my blog Weird and Important to become a baby blog, but I needed an outlet for all this stuff that was happening to us suddenly.
So I created a blog to document the pregnancy, my child’s life, the thoughts and fears and fun of it all. Blogging has been an outlet for me for over a decade in one place or another.
So Winging It was created.
Blogging Advice
My two pieces of blogging advice are so:
Don’t do it for the money – you’re not going to be happy and you’re not going to be rich. Do it because you want to write, because you have a story, because you have something to say. Do it because you have the words.
Plan. Plan ahead, plan your posts, plan your promotion and your commenting and your link ups. Use a calendar, use reminders, use an alarm.
The Bloggers
I nominate the following blogs; a few of my favourites and a few of the best:
- Babi a Fi
- Cuddle Fairy
- Meet The Wildes
- Hound Mamas
- Rainbows Are Too Beautiful
- The Speed Bump
- The Single Swan
- Confessions Of A Crummy Mummy
- My Two Mums
And there we are. Thanks again to Gorgeous Georges Mama for the award. Go check out her blog.
Thank you so much for the nomination loveLy. Congrats on your award! Xx
Thank you. I love reading your blog. It’s so insightful. Couldn’t agree more with your sentiments either. I started my blog as I believed it was a small world and money would come my way easy enough.
Enter the world of blogging and you realise everyone’s a blogger and hardly anyone makes money. It hasn’t deterred me though.
I now have a new focus. To entertain, inform and inspire. And if I get to try some stuff in return for some reviews and coverage then it’s all gravy.
I do it becuse I love to write though. Still finding my niche two years down the line.
Keep doing you. X