Poem and OctPoWriMo Update

First the poem;


I’m pressing forward
with questions and hours
minutes and answer
whatever you have I need
and I will push for more.

In this I am honest
if nothing else.

Existence is purposeless
if I am to do nothing.
At least we are loved by the universe
every cell and atom an embrace,
that makes everything you do
worth my while.
We are two, split in half,
you and the universe,
me and the world.


Week Four Of OctPoWriMo

Secondly, this was the only poem I wrote during week four of OctPowriMo. And that was on the 30th. If you read my Week Three roundup you’ll know I was and am, battling some depression and apathy, on top of a hectic job and life in general. Sometimes you have to put things aside to protect yourself. It’s actually the reason why I no longer participate in NaNoWriMo – the stress is too much on top of everything else.

I’ve written twenty-one poems this month – some crap ones I will cast aside. Some great ones I will try to get published one way or another. Some I’ll share on here as time goes on.

Thanks for your support in this endeavour. I will take part in NaPoWriMo in April, I usually do better in the Spring, though I do not consider this a failure, nor do I feel bad for not even trying this week.

Did you take part? if you did let me know, I’d love to read some of your work!



Show 11 Comments


  1. You did great! Everyone who participated is a winner because we all spread our creative wings and generated some art. It wasn’t a contest or a race, but a challenge each of us met in our own way. Yes, you wrote some dandy poems. And, I’m looking forward to reading more.

    Meanwhile, self-care, self-care, self-care. It’s not selfish; it’s essential. Take good care of yourself. And thank you for being here. xoA

  2. Hannah

    Thos is a great poem. I think its great to be able to write poems

  3. Melanie

    Such an emotional poem – I love reading poetry like this 🙂 x

  4. I love the idea of these writing challenges but I agree, they make for a lot of extra pressure. Lovely poem.

  5. This is a lovely poem. I’m sorry you are struggling with your health at the moment though. xx

    • bread

      Thank you. I don’t feel too bad about not completing OctPoWriMo.

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