Our Christmas Films Playlist

So, every year we watch the same Christmas films over and over. And in no way are we bored of it so I wanted to share it with you. There is something for everyone on this list and something to watch every night from now until Christmas if you want.s

Films For Everyone

A Muppet Christmas Carol (1992)

This is a great adaption of the Charles Dickins story, it has muppets and Micheal Caine. And Micheal Caine sings. He actually sings. I really like Rizzo in this – “Light the lamp, not the rat! Light the lamp. not the rat!” – and the use of him and Gonzo as narrators.

Home Alone (1990)

home aloneI love Home Alone. I have the first two films but I never really bother with the second one even though it’s actually a pretty good sequel. This one is good as long as you make sure your kids know they can’t actually take on burglars with some paint cans.


National Lampoons Christmas Vacation (1989)

national lampoonsThis Chevvy Chase film will make you feel much better about your own crazy family and chaotic Christmas. Everything that can go wrong does go wrong in this film.

Films For Grown Ups

Scrooged (1988)


I admit, my wife doesn’t like this one. I love it though. Another Christmas Carol adaption but with a twist. Bill Murray is hilarious as usual but I get that it’s a little loud for bethend and a little violent in places. I watch it every year anyway usually when she’s in the bath.

Die Hard (1988)

die hard

My favourite Christmas film, John McLain heads to LA to visit his estranged wife and kids for the holidays and kicks ass. A lot of it. This one isn’t for kids (plus it’s rated 18) but for the mummies to watch when the kids are in bed.

Terry Pratchett’s Hogfather (2006)

hogfatherYou don’t need to have read any Discworld novels to enjoy this adaption of Terry Pratchett’s books. In this, the Hogfather (The Discworld version of Santa) goes missing and death has to fill in while Death’s granddaughter finds out what happened to the Hogfather. It’s not scary but it’s not for little kids either.  It is brilliant though.


Rankin/Bass Animations

Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer (1964)

Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer This is the first of the Rankin/Bass animations on our list. The tail of Rudolph and an elf who wants to be a dentist. Rankin/Bass made a lot of great films and specials in the 70s that my wife has introduced us too.


A Year Without A Santa Claus (1974)

In this Rankin/Bass film, Santa is ill takes a Christmas off. And Mrs Claus fills in with the help of the elves Jingle and Jangle but not all goes to plan. It has two of the best songs in They Call Me Snow-Miser/Heat-Miser that we will be singing for weeks afterwards.

Santa Claus Is Coming To Town (1970)

Santa Claus Is Coming to townThe third Rankin/Bass film, a town where Christmas is banned and so are toys and joy. And Kris Kringle sets out to change it. Fred Astaire narrates it and it has Mickey Rooney as Santa Claus.

Jack Frost (1979)

The only Jack Frost film worth watching and the last Rankin/Bass animation on the list, Jack Frost becomes a human when he falls in love with a young woman and helps a town who are besieged by a ruthless leader called Kubla Kraus the King of the Cossacks who has the best song in the world as well.


Shorts And TV Specials

A Charlie Brown Christmas (1965)

charlie brownCharlie Brown is a classic, you gotta love the Peanuts crew. Even at Christmas though Charlie Brown in unlucky but he gets the message through at the end. And there is Snoopy, you can’t go wrong.



Dr Seuss’ How the Grinch Stole Christmas (1966)

grinch who stole christmasNo not the Jim Carey version, the proper version with Boris Karloff. No, really, Boris Karloff plays the narrator and the Grinch in this animated version from the sixties. it’s bright, it’s funny and it’s much better than the recent remake with Carrey.

MST3K: Santa Claus Conquers The Martians (1991)

mst3kWhile you could just watch Santa Claus Conquers the Martians on its own you shouldn’t. What you should do is watch the MST3K version with Joel and bots riffing on the film. It’s much more enjoyable that way and really very funny.

These are all the Christmas related ones. We also tend to watch Wallace and Gromit, the Cinderella ballet and a few other things that have come to be associated with Christmas. Let me know what you think and if there is anything we should add to our usual Christmas playlist!

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  1. I’ve not seen a lot of these myself but next Saturday I am going to see the Nightmare before Christmas and I am so excited x

  2. What a brilliant selection, we always watch lots of festive films at this time of year too and haven’t seen “Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer” so will be looking that out, thank you.

  3. So many amazing films and every Christmas Even, the hubby and I sit down to watch National Lampoons Christmas Vacation x

  4. Thena Franssen

    I totally forgot about the muppets movies! My kids would probably really like them a lot, thanks for reminding me of them!

  5. Yes!! I love that you included Die Hard on this list, so many people say it’s not a Christmas film but it totally is. One of my favourite Christmas films is elf! 🙂 great list x

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