NaPoWriMo Round Up Week One

National Poetry Writing Month started in 2003 inspired by NaNoWriMo. I’ve done both, won NaNoWriMo once though I don’t participate much anymore. I do participate in both NaPoWriMo every April and OctPoWriMo (October Poetry Writing Month) every year too. I am a poet at heart and have been writing poetry since I was seventeen. Not always good poetry, but still, poetry.

So, we’re a week into NaPoWriMo 2018 and here are my first six poems. Because I’m a day behind and I’m tired and it’s already past midnight at time of writing. I just don’t think I have a second poem in me today. The links all go to my Medium blog that I use now and then, and sometimes reblog posts from here.

Week One Poems

There is a mix there, and day three is at the very limits of what one might call a poem. But read, clap (on the side), share and write your own poetry. It’s not too late to join in.

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  1. Good for you. I’m entering a poem in a competition – I just have to write it. The what to wrote about seems more tricky for poetry than stories….#KCACOLS

  2. Poetry doesn’t come easily to me but I believe it is quite therapeutic and a good way to express yourself. GOOD LUCK WITH THE CHALLENGE #KCACOLS

  3. I love the one for day #4 – the last line had me nodding in agreement! I had good intentions for this year but so far my poem count stands at a big fat zero. xD #KCACOLS

  4. Awesome poems! And unknowingly, I just wrote a poem yesterday! Like 3 stanzas of haiku! You must have been on my mind! Keep it up girl! #kcacols xo

  5. Amie

    That’s great! It must be lovely to get recognised for your work. I love reading poems but haven’t written much since primary school homework! Thanks so much for linking up at #KCACOLS. Hope you come back again next time

  6. I would love to be able to concentrate and write poetry! Well done you lovely. #KCACOLS

  7. I LOVE writing poetry and love it even more when it just flows! One day I may join in with NAPoWriMo #kcacols

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