So, a few things are going on right now that may disturb you usual viewing of Queer Little Family. Not a whole lot, but I’m hoping to take a little time to fix a couple of issues
that some of the older posts have.
A Little Background
After a year of writing this blog, as well as my old blog I decided it was too much to post twice a week on two blogs. There was already some overlap, as I brought poetry over to this one for example. I couldn’t keep up with my own expectations and decided that I definitely has more to say and more success with QLF. I imported some of the (better and relevant) content from Weird and Important over to this blog and started rebranding all those posts.
A task I haven’t quite finished yet.
Now, on top of that, I’ve completely closed down Weird and Important as a site/portal for my writing and even stopped the hosting and set up a new site for my freelance writing work. This means that any links, pictures and other bits that were still being hosted by the old blog have now gone too.
This means there are posts with dead links and no pictures. This isn’t a good experience for you as a reader.

I was already working on updating pictures and posts last month, but my laptop started to get slower, and more sluggish and was basically on its final days and haad to give up anything that required too much processing power. Or any processing power. Then I could only run it in safe mode, oh, and I also broke the screen.
That has meant getting used a to a new laptop, a new OS, and getting all my documents off the old one (with a broken screen and in safe mode) and software up and running on this one. It’s done but it’s put me behind a little.
What this basically means is that I may be a little quieter than usual on the blog while I update everything and do all the other stuff I mentioned. Hopefully, we’ll have some guest posts, maybe some roundups. We’re not going anywhere, we’re just cleaning up. It is spring after all.
This is a good time to hit me with your suggestions for what else you would like to see on QLF or things you would like us to write about. I’m willing to write about most things, but like all writers I like (and need) prompts or ideas. So if there is something we haven’t addressed yet that you want to know about or a topic you’d like me to write about, feel free to get in touch.
You can use our contact form, email me on
. Or, even simpler, just fill out my handy suggestion box below!
I love that you’re asking for feedback and topics and also think you’ve made a great choice in consolidating all your work here! Thanks so much for linking up at #KCACOLS. Hope you come back again next time.
Revamping/maintaining a blog takes a lot of effort doesn’t it? I’m slowly revamping my old posts and fixing broken links. It’s a long process but worth it! #kcacols
I say just keep doing what you are doing! As I tweeted, I am grateful to have found you and your crew, and happy to read about exactly what you write. When you write from the heart, it works! #KCACOLS xoxo
Ah there’s always so much to do on the back end of a website. I really don’t think people realise how much effort and work is involved just to keep things straight. I dread to think how many broken links are in mine from my name change I haven’t dared sit down and trawl through as yet. #KCACOLS