First up February was not as prolific a month as January was. And that’s okay. I did not expect to do as well as I did last month, I did not expect to keep up the pace if only because my depression means that even the things I love will get discarded or ignored, even if just for a little while.

Plus it doesn’t matter how much you write, or how fast, only that you write. That writing advice you hear bandied around so much “write everyday.”? It’s ablist bullshit and does not take into account the myriad of situations writer’s are in.
So this months word count is 15608 taking my total to 42,149..
I took a few days off, miss my target most days and cried everyday for three days straight. Usually before ten am.
What did I write though?
February’s Work

- Escaping Reality – An urban fairy fic – Rachel is stuck in a
deadend job when she reconnects with a childhood friend. Part one is already up on my Patreon. - Twitter Hashtags for LGBTQIA+ Writers – on my new blog (cause I need more things to work on).
- The Talk – Dragon Age Fanfiction – Isabela/Bethany – Rated Adult.
- Endurance – Dragon Age Fanfiction for the Purimgifts Exchange.
- Pyre – Urban Fairy Flash Fiction for the Purimgifts Exchange.
- In Which – a poem for LGBTQ History Month.
- Two unfinished fanfictions.
- Started a new WIP – Queer Lady in the lake story.
You can sign up to my patreon for a dollar a month and read all my original fiction and more.

Poem: Coping Mechanism
I wrote this poem a few months ago but I wanted to share it with you as I felt like I needed to do this last night.
At my worst moments now
I do not wander into
I curl up, and around, purity
something so fragile I would weep
to lose its innocence
and I know it will happen
but for now, we sleep,
these quieter moments
between tears and laughter
I treasure the most
because I cannot love him more
than I already do
but I appreciate every second
that he makes me feel better.
It’s more than the world
has ever given me
perhaps more than I deserve
and that’s okay, he doesn’t mind
he loves me anyway.
Here’s to March’s word count…
What a sweet poem – and I hope March goes wel! #kcacols
Looking very organised there. I need to get a bit more motivated and organised in my approach. Just can’t seem to get my mojo back. #KCACOLS
What a beautiful poem. A very impressive word count too #KCACOLS
What a lovely poem. Well done for progress in February and wishing you a very successful March. #KCACOLS
Lovely poem. Sometimes it is so hard to write to order. Good luck for smashing it in March! Thanks so much for linking up at #KCACOLS. Hope you come back again next time
I really like your no nonsense approach to this. You’re absolutely right about the ablest bull and I hope the tears were cathartic. All the best for March xxx #KCACOLS
What a sweet poem!! I wish you nothing but the best in March!! x0x0x #KCACOLS