Poem: Harsh

I’ve been too harsh little one,
too harsh
and I don’t mean it
but I stick with it
sleepily in the dead of night
at the very edge of my limits
and when you have none,
but that’s not your fault
I’m so sorry little one
so sorry,
and I snap instead of soothe
when you can’t understand
and it’s not your fault, little one
not your fault.
When what you want, may be what you need,
it’s just a shame I’m never sure
from one night to the next
but that’s not your fault
so please don’t take it
as gospel or given.
I’ve been too harsh, little one
I’m too harsh.
You forgive me everyday
or forget, who’s to say,
greet me with the love she says I deserve
even when I push too hard
and am too harsh.


Show 9 Comments


  1. That was so beautifully written and totally relatable. Being a mom isn’t easy.


  2. This is so honest and open. It can be so hard not to be harsh and I hope you can be a bit easier on yourself. All we can do is our best as I know you are doing. Thanks so much for linking up at #KCACOLS. Hope you come back again next time

  3. I think this is something every parent will have an affinity with. I read it and almost cried as this was me last night after three hours sleep! #KCACOLS

  4. This is so very powerful. I know that it resonated with me because I feel like this some days. Thank you so much for putting into beautiful words what most parents feel like some point. #KCACOLS

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