October is always an odd month. Summer is well and truly over, the kids are back in school and the nit emails are out and then suddenly it’s Halloween and half term and everyone’s thinking about Christmas.
For me, October has been about slowing down a little at work after the Fresher rush (I work for the university), working on my wife’s website for her proofreading business and my own new business.
I’ve also seen the psychologist to see about getting properly diagnosed with Fibromyalgia after spending the past year or so trying to get people to tell me what’s wrong with my body (mostly my legs). I also saw a physiotherapist and know what’s wrong with my left leg and hip and I’m applying for PIP again because I must like to torture myself. I plan to write more about the pain when I’ve gotten the right words for it. Or some words at least.
I also had a couple of driving lessons, did a little reversing. I’m still struggling with gears and my left and right. Both in my feet and the turns unfortunately. It’s a work in progress…
We haven’t really gone far this month. With school back in force, the furthest any of us have been is when the Bean went to her clinic appointment with my wife. It was a really good appointment though, they’re really happy with her. She also drew a shark and wrote her name for the first time too!

We took my mum shopping to get some snacks, and to dinner. She’s another thing I need to write about but I think she had fun with the kids. They certainly had fun with her. The bean cried when we had to leave her in the home.
We went to the party at Bronglais hospital for awareness of play in healthcare, put on by the fabulous play team at the hospital.
It was my niece’s 14th birthday. We went over to spend the evening with her and the fam and some of her friends.
Flower and me had a day out together on Halloween. We did some shopping (well, went to the charity shops), and went to a Halloween Lego event at the museum. Flower as usual built some technical Lego masterpiece. I made an ice cream cart. In the evening we carved our pumpkins, ate too many sweets with our friend and her daughter who is four and the bean’s best friend (and simultaneously her worst enemy).
Mostly I have been watching Stargate SG-1. It’s like comfort telly. The bean has watched about four different versions of Cinderella, though her favourite this month has definitely been The Princess & The Frog. Which would be fine, but Flower cries every time the firefly dies (spoiler alert, sorry). Flower has mostly wanted to watch Bluey this month. Which I don’t mind at all, because Bluey is hilarious and had me in tears several times.
I’ve finished up a replay for Horizon Forbidden West. I bloody love these games, and kinda want the remaster of the Zero Dawn, but we’ll see. I also played the DLC Burning Shores for the first time, and I’ve almost, almost finished it (I juts have one scene to do, then any extras). No news on Horizon 3 yet, but they can’t keep us hanging like that.

Mostly this month I’ve been playing around with HTML5 and CSS3 and relearning some old skills and learning some new ones. I made the cats a website, and also a couple of individual sites. I also set up my wife’s new website – Busy Spider Proofreading – and I am now offering wordpress set-ups to anyone who may need one at a lost cost. Hosting can be added.
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