November’s Entertainment

We’re still working our way through Stargate. We’re on season seven already which is a great season and has some of the best hairstyles on the show. I do rank seasons by how good Sam Carter’s hair is. We’ve also got a new boxset from the charity shop of musicals and watched Wizard Of Oz this week, and Hello Dolly! And we bought Snappy a Bagpuss DVD from Oxfam which he seems to like when he’s paying attention.

Bethend is still working her way through Ellis Peter’s books and also currently reading Momentum Mori by Muriel Spark. I’m reading Life Support having finished reading Life Support which was really good but really grim in places. And gross. Really gross. I also read Just My Type by Simon Garfield which is all about fonts; I’m a bit of a font geek so I really enjoyed this.

November's entertainment

Wrote an article on Medium – Why I Won’t Work With Brands but will work with small business and charities. I haven’t written any poetry since OctPoWriMo.



We went to Birmingham for Bethend to do her Life In The UK test again (she passed this time) and we spent the day in Coventry with my dad too – post on that coming soon. We’ve also been to a Lantern Making Workshop that was okay. We didn’t enjoy as much as we thought we would. I don’t like things that are too messy; especially with Snappy to watch over. Bethend was getting anxious with the woman ‘helping’ her.

I got Horizon Zero Dawn last payday and finished the entire game by this payday. I haven’t played anything else. I’m planning a post on why this game is just so bloody good. I’m hoping the DLC Frozen Wilds will come down in price or someone will buy it me for xmas. Next, I have Shovel Knight to finish and Dragons Dogma to play again.

November's entertainment

And we had Thanksgiving. It was awesome – in the new house there is a lot more room, people from work came, much food was cooked, brought and then eaten. Including pumpkin pies and cakes. And then some more cakes. It was a lot of fun and everyone enjoyed themselves. The cats were thoroughly hugged by many children and were very good about it. Hopefully, more people will come next year. My sister had a shift on the children’s ward, my mum couldn’t risk getting any lurgy and a lot of other people were ill. but hopefully next year they will be able to come.

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Show 8 Comments


  1. Your Thanksgiving celebrations sound like a lot of fun. I want to do it next year. Thanks for the tip about Momentum Mori – Muriel Spark is a great author

  2. hannah

    Looks like you had a good thanksgiving. I’ve never done anything for it as i’ve never celebrated it

  3. Pen

    Sounds like you had a great thanksgiving. Pen x #AnythingGoes

  4. What a lovely idea for a post! Love Wizard of Oz and Bagpuss! I’d love to introduce my little to Bagpuss! xx

  5. Looks that you had an awesome Thanksgiving day, here in our country not much more celebrating Thanksgiving and I love to experience.

  6. What a busy November you have had! Your Thanksgiving sounds like such good fun, I wish i could convince my family to do it!

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