So bloggers tend to read a lot of other blogs. It’s an occupational hazard some would say but I quite enjoy it and have a few core blogs I read often outside of the usual networking that I do as a blogger (for the record I’m not a good networker). I want to share them with you cause I think there are some great blogs out there – other than this one of course – that you might find entertaining or interesting.
The Gaydy Bunch is a blog about a family of seven. Two mums, five kids and a whole bunch of animals.
Sarah and Laura are pregnant with their first child, and like me and Bethend, are a transatlantic couple.
A blog about a couple of mums and their son T living in near Brighton.
Amber and Sarah have two sets of twins, a baby on the way and a blog full of stunning photography.
Papa, Eden and Me
A two mum fairytale about a couple and their long-awaited and wanted baby!
This blog is about two mums, their little girl and their two Bassett hounds.
Two dads, two sons and one award-winning blog about parenting, adoption and more.
My Two Mums
My Two Mums are mums writing about LGBTQ topics, parenting and adventures with their son.
This is a new blog, documenting two women trying to conceive the same way we are, via a known donor at home.
Mombian is more than a blog, but a site full of resources for LGBTQ families, including blogs, books and more.
Of course, there are more blogs, and I’ll do a part two at a later date. You can also check out my list of Bisexual Bloggers.
If you have an LGBTQ parenting blog let me know in the comments and feel free to sign up to my email list to keep up to date with Queer Little Family.
I am a lesbian, adoptive mom in Los Angeles. My blog is The Razzle Dazzle Mommy dot blog.
I write about all things parenthood, adoption and raising a baby activist. I haven’t posted frequently, but more is coming soon so I hope that you’ll tune in! XO Lola
I’m razzdazzmomblog on twitter and facebook and TheRazzleDazzleMommy on Instagram