
Blog posts written by me are all my own opinion and experiences. I am only an expert in myself and my experiences.

Sponsored posts and guest posts

All blog posts are written by me – Ren Williams – unless labelled accordingingly with the appropriate label in the title.

Any posts that we are paid to post or write will also be clearly indicated at the top of the post. I want you to know exactly where you’re coming from, but I’m honest and my opinions will not be affected by the compensation (i.e, you can’t pay me to say something rubbish is awesome).

Review posts will also note who paid for the product.

Affiliate links.

Some may contain affiliate links. These are links for that I may receive a commission if you purchase from them. Your clicks or use come to no extra expense for you. Any blog post with affiliate links will be clearly labelled.


All my photos come from four sources:

  1. My own photos
  2. Unsplash
  3. Wiki Commons
  4. Taken from company sites as an example of what I’m talking about under the terms of fair use.

All wiki commons or company posts should be attributed or linked back to their owner. If this is not the case, let me know. Some of the posts and their images have been moved around a little.

Please do not use, edit or recreate any of our images without permission. 


Any facts, figures or information should already be linked to their souce either in the text or at the end of the text. If any information is incorrect please feel free to contact us and let us know with the name or URL of the blog post and what the problem is.