I’m Thankful For More Than Pumpkin Pie Honest….

So it’s Thanksgiving.

Okay, so I know, I’m British, we don’t do Thanksgiving and we do enough American crap as it is what the hell? Except, my wife is American remember, and loves Thanksgiving. And it’s a become a bit of thing for us because it’s the one time I can get my mother and sister to commit to spending time with us. We don’t do Christmas altogether – my mum doesn’t care for it much, my sister has two kids and has to juggle their dads, the rest of my family lives in Coventry (or further) and we’re not close anymore (mostly my fault). I know this gets to my wife, her family is massive and close and spend all the holidays together.

All of them.

So just the two of us have Christmas together – with her family on Skype at some point – and see my sister and the kids on Christmas eve.

So we kinda blow the shit up on Thanksgiving.

It’s insane.

This year there will be an undetermined amount of people and children. Much like last year.

Last year was the same – I’m not sure how many people there were. Also, we had a new kitten – Seymour – and set off fireworks in the park. Except we forgot there are no lights near the park so it was pitch black and none of the smokers had a working lighter so someone had to go get matches. The rest of us stood around waiting in the dark with the torches shining from various mobile phones.


I actually have no real idea what Thanksgiving is about. Something about giving thanks. Something to do with Native Americans? And pilgrims? I’m not sure, everything I know about Thanksgiving comes from television shows and films. Not the greatest source of information and history.

I can appreciate the giving thanks, bit. I definitely like the bit that involves pumpkin pie (and this year pumpkin cake).

My Thanks

So here is a quick list of all the thanks I have to give (which, unlike fucks, are many):

  • My wife for so many reasons I think I could fill a book. Mostly for being alive. And being patient with me. And feeding me. And hugs.
  • My parents for their financial support this year.
  • My sister.
  • My nephew Taylor and his crazy brain and his penchant for being various different things that have recently included a worm, a fish and a coconut.
  • My niece Poppy and her tyrannical nature (she will bend us all to her will)
  • My best friend Melanie who has put up with me for so many years.
  • My friend Jen and her bloke Norm, I do miss her.
  • My neighbours Sarah and Al who are amazing and have done so much for us already this year.
  • Their adorable children.
  • Bronglais hospital – particularly the ICU – for their care of my wife after she was hit by a van this year.
  • My donor and his wife.
  • My job’s bonus scheme for paying for Thanksgiving.
  • Dragon Age
  • Living in this village.
  • My wife’s employer for being so good after the accident.
  • The cats for the endless entertainment, though not the attempts on my life.
  • The chickens.
  • Pets At Home for never questioning how many hamsters I adopt.
  • Steven Universe.
  • Netflix.

However this holiday started, the good or the bad, I am glad for this opportunity for my wife to have people over and feed them and for my friends and family to enjoy an evening.

And pumpkin pie.

That’s the best bit.

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